



來自很久年代的故事, 當我們的祖先代著孓然一身空空來到了這塊荒涼的土地時,希望開發了這塊土地后,就光榮囘鄉,但是安定后,就習慣了這裡的一切,而把這塊土地當作另一個生長的故鄉。而在這個時候,從事酒樓的老闆與工人在一百年前也已經組織起來, 成立了一個商業性的福利團體—姑蘇行。

雪隆姑蘇慎忠行是在1893年成立, 至今120年周年,當時的會址是設立在吉隆坡蘇丹街4號的一間商店,前輩馮潤卿,陳玉斯為首創設這一個職員組織去積極 把同業團結起來。當時的會所還供奉神祀並把它稱爲慎忠廟,而每年一度慶祝神誕日,就是前輩聚集一堂,把酒言歡,藉以聯絡同業的感情和促進勞資雙方(東西家)的忠誠合作的日子。同時互相關懷行友之間的福利,尤其是對年老失業,無依無靠的同業行友提供貧病老死的福利工作,落實東西家勞資雙方和同業一家親。








The History of Selangor Ku SU Shin Choong Hung

Long ago our ancestors came empty-handed to this barren land, hoping that they would return to China once they had developed the land. But later they had got used to this place and decided to settle down and regard this place as their home. In the meantime, about 100years ago, those who were engaged in restaurant business organized themselves and set up a commercial welfare body Ku Su Hung.

Selangor Ku Su Shin Choong Hung was established in 1893. The address then was No 4, Sultan Street, a shop house. The original organizers were Foong Yoong Heng and Chan Yoke See. Shrines were kept and worshipped at the Association premises which was then also known as Shin Choong Temple. Once a years when celebrating a deity’s birthday, the ancestors got together, drank wine and socialized. The employers and employees took this opportunity to strengthen their friendship and work relationship. At the same time, they showed mutual concern for each others welfare, in particular providing benefits for the old and jobless as well as the homeless.

In order to have more space to further develop their business, the Association moved to new premises known as No 131, Petaling Street. Wong Keng Choy, Cheah Tai and Foong Seng Choong were in charge of the development of the Association’s business.

23rd March 1966 marked a new chapter in the Association’s history. Then the owner of the Petaling Street premises intended to either sell the property or increase the rent by 100%. The chairman Wong Kuan Hoong, Treasurer Ho Weng Kee convened an emergency meeting to discuss the appropriate measure. In the long run, the association agreed unanimously, it was better for the Association to acquire their own premises, provided they could pool their resources. Ho Weng Kee contributed RM1000 immediately. Mark Yee, Chan Kar Ting, Chong Yu Chee, Chui Su Weng and Foong Kok Kee responded generously one after another. It was resolved at once that each associate donate RM5000 to the Association Building Fund. And they set up a Building Committee with Soo Seen Kee as Chairman. Others Committee members included Wen Zhou, Loh Ngou, Cheah Wah Chor and Chong Hoo Weng, as well as two representatives from other states, Chong Kar Choy and Wang Siew How. It was also recommended that Wang Kuan, Ho Weng Kee, Soo Seen Keen, Loh Ngou and Chui See Weng form a delegation to negotiate with the owner for the purchase of the premises. Owing to their dedication and co-operation, the purchase was soon completed.

To further develop the Association’s business, there was a plan to extend the original premises into a five-storey building. However, due to objective factors, the plan was shelved.

In 1974 the restaurant industry was badly hit by the world economic recession. Many associates became jobless. And the Association’s business had come to a stand still because of financial difficulties. Fortunately restaurants such as Chan Yoke Sin, Wong Kee Swee, Foo Kam Mee and Lee Hoi called for a campaign to raise fund to finance the operating expenses of the Association. Their call was met with keen response from all quarters and the Ku SU Association got a new lease of life.

In 1977 all the associates unanimously recommended Mr Lum Tuck Loy, proprietor of Kum Loon Tai, to head the Association. Mr Lum was young, able, resolute and full of drive. Under his leadership, the associates worked closely together. At the biennial celebration of the Ku SU Association, representatives from different states got together, enjoying themselves in the warm friendship of the grand occasion.

In 1993 the Federation of Ku Su Restaurant Associations entered a new era. To strengthen their association, it was resolved that the Federation’s name be changed to Pan Malaysia Federation of Ku Su Restaurants. And five new restaurant organizations joined the existing Six Ku Su Associations. This was truly a reflection of the Ku Suspirit – all Ku Su associates are just like a big family.

Today the 120 year old Selangor Ku Su Shin Choong Hung will strive ahead for further improvement, based on the tradition its ancestors have set. It will keep pace with the culinary needs of modern time, for this is not only its raison detre, but also a motivating force behind the restaurant industry and tourist industry in Malaysia.